There is no age limit for treatment.

Babies and children may be treated by acupressure, massage (tuina), or by stimulation of points using an acupuncture laser.

**Please advise the practitioner if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, hepatitis, AIDS or any other infectious conditions.

A typical treatment usually includes acupuncture needles.

Generally, between two and ten needles (sometimes more) are inserted for each treatment, depending on the nature of the condition being treated.

The following may also be used:
moxibustion (warming of the acupuncture point with moxa, a Chinese herb called artemesia vulgaris),
acupressure, electro-stimulation of the acupuncture needles, cups, pricking, laser stimulation of the points etc.

No. Acupuncture is effective with or without “belief”, even on animals.

Please do not hesitate to ask questions as they arise.

Needle insertion is relatively painless. 

Once the needle is in place there may be a mild tingling, numbness or ache at the needle site.

Sometimes there may be cramping, heaviness, distension or an “electric” sensation either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected acupuncture channel.

Response to treatment is different toindividual.

On the day of treatment it is best to avoid heavy physical work, strenuous exercise, stress and alcohol.

Occasionally patients may notice a brief worsening of the symptoms of their condition.

More commonly there is a gradual improvement from the first treatment and this is consolidated with progressive treatments.

Generally the more a person becomes involved in being responsible for their own health, the more they will get from their treatment.

Patients can maximize the effectiveness of their treatment by following the advice they are given, especially with regard to diet, stress and lifestyle.

Acupuncture can be used to treat many of the medical problems that you consult your doctor for:

For example, it may be used to treat:

  • injuries e.g. sprains, burns, tendonitis
  • internal disorders e.g. period pains, premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, high or low blood pressure
  • environmental problems e.g. asthma, allergies
  • emotional disorders e.g. anxiety, insomnia, depression
  • pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery, infertility

The number of treatments can vary: two to three treatments for acute(short term) conditions; usually ten or more treatments for chronic(long term) conditions.

Adverse side effects are relatively few. You may feel calm or sleepy following the treatment.

Bruising at the needle site is uncommon, but they may occur.

Rare accidents such as puncturing an internal organ (e.g. the lung) have been recorded.



09 281 8585


9:30am – 8:00pm

9:30am – 1:00pm

9:00am – 4:00pm