I immigrated to New Zealand from South Korea in 2001, graduated Rangitoto College in 2005.

I decided to study Chiropractic after seeing a chiropractor helped my mother’s low back pain due to her car accident. I always wanted to work in clinical sector when I was young. I finished my pre-requisite Chiropractic course at the University of Auckland and then graduated New Zealand College of Chiropractic in 2010. I am now a registered member of the New Zealand Chiropractic Board.

My passion in Chiropractic is to improve people’s lifestyle by adjusting their spine to make brain to communicate every cell of body in full, without any interference. I use my hands mostly to locate, analyse and adjust vertebral subluxations to make healthy and living spine. I enjoy playing piano and basketball outside of work also.



I am originally from South Korea when I was sixteen years old and I graduated from the New Zealand College of Traditional Chinese Medicine followed by my previous studies in health sciences majoring in public health from the University of Auckland. I used to be sick and very weak when I was a kid and my parents always took me to my uncle’s Traditional Korean Medicine clinic to fix various issues I had, and because of it, my childhood has been made healthy. Since I came to New Zealand, I couldn’t give up my first dream to treat peoples’ mind and body. So, I decided to learn Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) again, after all the study about administration and management of health systems.

My passion in TCM is all about people. I believe that a real ‘cure’ is not only to fix the physical problems but also to comfort and relax the mind. By using fine needles and natural Chinese herbs, I can help you to jump forward to more balanced and healthier life. I am also registered as a member of NZASA (New Zealand Acupuncture Standard Authority Inc.), and NZCMAS (New Zealand Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society).